泰安隆鑫热能设备科技有限公司是一家专业从事燃烧器,燃烧器配件、水泵及锅炉等热能设备生产、销售、维修及技术服务为一体的综合性公司。公司多年来致力于燃烧热能设备的生产、销售、售后服务及技术改进,并代理国内外知名燃烧器品牌及相关配件数百种;产品广泛用于各类型工业民用锅炉、石化、食品、金属加工、筑路机械、玻璃陶瓷、涂装等多种行业和设备。 公司重质量,重信誉,重发展;严格秉承“质量第一、信誉第一、用户至上”的原则,向广大客户提供真正适合的热工产品;公司拥有完善的售后服务机制,雄厚的技术力量,强大的团队支持,为客户提供全方位最满意的服务。凭借精通广博的专业知识,结合殴美先进技术,公司以诚信为本的经营理念,立足于热工行业多年,成功在济南、大连、北京、天津、上海、沈阳、西安开办分公司。在此公司全体员工竭诚欢迎各届新老客户光临指导,洽谈业务,共谋发展。

Taian Longxin Thermal energy equipment technology Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacture,sales,maintenance and technical service development of burners,accessories and boilers.The company has devoted to manufacture sales,customer service and technical innovation of burner industry for many years.We are agent of hundreds of famous burner brand as well as accessories at home and abroad.Our products are widely used in several kinds of industries and machinery,such as civilian boilers,periochemicals,food,metal processing, road machinery,glass enamel and paint decoration.

Our company concerns quality, reputation and development of products. We provide the most suitable heat products with the promise of “perfect  combination of quality and service”, The company relies on prefect customer service system,strong technology support, and good team of engineers to satisfy customer’s demands.We are making great efforts to provide the best service to our customers.Our company whose management idea is honesty,applies prodicient knowledge, strong team-work associated with adnanced technology of  USA and Eruope,has been in heat industry for more than ten years .We have successfully opened branches in Jinan,Dalian,Beijing,Tianjin,Shanghai and Shenyang.The staff of the company welcome customers in various industries to guide and negotiate business.Let’s make progress together with each other.

泰安隆鑫热能设备科技有限公司 地址:山东省泰安市岱岳区山口镇迓庄村
网址:www.talxsbkj.com 客服邮箱:taianliuyongli@163.com Copyright 2002-2021 www.talxsbkj.com All Rights Reserved